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The Burden of Poverty

Poverty is a critical challenge, as it was in Eastern Europe between the two world wars. Diminishing welfare transfers, decreased yeshiva budgets leading to higher tuitions, the skyrocketing costs of housing for young couples, and the lack of inherited resources from previous generations have combined to push many families to the brink of poverty and beyond.



A Revolutionary Response

In response to these financial difficulties, many people would travel abroad to collect funds. These fundraising attempts were mainly directed at a select group of wealthy individuals and were not reaching the masses, the “Amcha Bais Yisroel.” However, the reality really required a response that would include everyone. The Adopt–a-Kollel response calls for every shul around the world to adopt a Kollel in Eretz Yisroel and underwrite a portion of the Kollel’s budget. Small donations add up quickly, and as each shul member commits a small amount each month, it is a substantial starting point for the Rosh Kollel. The “adopting” also gives the Rosh Kollel an entry into a kehilla in Chutz La’aretz, where he will be welcomed with respect and honor.


four main objectives:

Include all of Klal Yisroel worldwide
Provide assistance and chizuk to the Rosh Kollel
Provide caring support to the avreichim
Provide tangible assistance to Kollelim
To give everyone in Klal Yisroel an opportunity to have a chelek in the response. By making small donations each month, every individual in every community can claim his share in Hachzakas Toras Eretz Yisroel.
By adopting a Kollel, we give a tremendous amount of chizuk to the Rosh Kollel. Aside from the financial assistance, he now has menuchas hanefesh day to day, and his trips abroad have been transformed to fulfilling, honorable and heartwarming.
Our nesius ohl and areivus are a tremendous chizuk to the yungeleit in the adopted Kollel. As they sit in Eretz Yisroel learning, they have yishuv hadaas knowing their counterparts in America care about them and have taken action to help.
Last but not least, by adopting a Kollel, Shul members assist in a very real and tangible way with the financial needs of the Rosh Kollel and the Avreichim. Although each individual is only committing to small money, it adds up quickly and makes a true difference. It also creates a special kesher between the mispallelim and the Kollel and everyone has an aliya.
Include all of Klal Yisroel worldwide
Every Jew has the opportunity to take part in the response. By making small donations each month every individual in every community can claim his share in supporting Torah in Eretz Yisroel.
Provide assistance and chizuk to the Rosh Kollel
By adopting a Kollel, we give a tremendous amount of chizuk to the Rosh Kollel. Due to government budget cuts in the Kollel stipend, he was suddenly faced with a huge fundraising deficit and had no idea how to meet his monthly budget. Aside from the financial assistance, he now has the menuchas hanefesh day to day, and his trips to America have been transformed to fulfilling, honorable and heartwarming visits.
Provide caring support to the avreichim
Our nesius ohl and areivus are a tremendous chizuk to the avreichim in the adopted Kollel. As they sit in Eretz Yisroel learning, they have yishuv hadaas knowing their counterparts in America and beyond care about them and have taken action to help.
Provide tangible assistance to Kollelim
Last but not least, by adopting a Kollel, shul members assist with the financial needs of the Rosh Kollel and the avreichim in a very real and tangible way. Although each individual is only committing to small money, it adds up quickly and makes a true difference in the Kollel’s bottom line. When a percentage is automatically covered every month, it gives a solid base and the motivation to meet the rest of the budget. It also develops a special kesher between the mispallelim in the shul and the avreichim in the Kollel.


Q. Do any Rabbanim in America endorse Adopt-a-Kollel?


Yes. We have the universal support of Gedolim, Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbanim from across the spectrum. To name just a few, the Skulener Rebbe, HaRav Ahron Schechter, the Novominsker Rebbe zt”l, Chacham Yosef Harrari Raful and the Rachmistrivka Rabbe have all given their enthusiastic endorsement and support and have instructed their kehillas to join the program.

Q. Do any Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel endorse Adopt-a-Kollel?


Yes. We have the encouragement of and have received brachos from a wide gamut of prominent Gedolei Eretz Yisroel. All shaylos, even the most mundane, are determined by Daas Torah.

Q. Does Adopt-a-Kollel have an affiliation with any specific group?


Adopt-a-Kollel is a totally independant organization, not affiliated with any group, organization or Rav. The beauty of the structure is that the Rav and Shul representative do their own due diligence when choosing a Kollel and Rosh Kollel to make sure it is in line with their hashkafa positions. Adopt-a-Kollel helps facilitate, but the decision resides with each Rav/Shul and we encourage them to make a deliberate decision.

Q. Perhaps the yungeleit can find jobs? Do we need so many people in Kollel?


Every avreich has his own Rav or Rebbe who helps him make his decisions. The way the program is set up, every Shul handpicks its own Kollel, and thereby chooses a Kollel with avreichim of whom they are proud and whom they believe should be from the Yissachars of our day. Either way, in times of challenges, we really should put aside such debates and focus on making sure that all Jewish families have basic necessities.

Q. My community has its own mosdos to support. Don’t Aniyei Ircha come first?


The objective of Adopt-a-Kollel is to add another few dollars from each person, each according to his own comfort level, without diverting tzedakah funds from other local organizations. The goal is full participation of Shul membership, rather than a specific dollar amount. As the Horodenke Rebbe of Manchester said – "While it is true that we have our own mosdos in town, we do not have children going to school on empty stomachs. Poverty of this sort requires our support.” HaRav Avrohom Chaim Levin Zt”l said to a number of communities facing this question, "If they will help support Torah in Eretz Yisroel, they will see hatzlacha with their local mosdos as well.” As the Novominsker Rebbe Zt”l, HaRav Yaakov Perlow Zt”l, said at the Keynote Session of the 2014 Agudah Convention, ”There should be no frum kehillah in this country that doesn’t adopt a Kollel in Eretz Yisroel.”

As the Horodenke Rebbe of Manchester said – “While it is true that we have our own mosdos in town, we do not have children going to school on empty stomachs. Poverty of this sort requires our support.” HaRav Avrohom Chaim Levin Zt”l said to a number of communities facing this question, “If they will help support Torah in Eretz Yisroel, they will see hatzlacha with their local mosdos as well.” As the Novominsker Rebbe Zt”l, HaRav Yaakov Perlow Zt”l, said at the Keynote Session of the 2014 Agudah Convention, “There should be no frum kehillah in this country that doesn’t adopt a Kollel in Eretz Yisroel.”

Q. My Shul is comprised mainly of Klei Kodesh without much money to spare. How realistic is it that we can actually adopt a Kollel?


You’d be surprised. There are all types and sizes of Kollelim and Adopt-a-Kollel can help find the right match. Even a small amount of money from each mispallel adds up to help the Kollel. The aim is not to fully fund a Kollel, but rather to provide some assistance. Perhaps even more importantly, it allows each mispallel, especially those who are not of means and never had a chance to help a Kollel and its yungeleit, to have a true chelek in Hachzakas Toras Eretz Yisroel, and make a real difference to the Lomdei Torah.
